Near-field effect is related to a detailed allowance of polarizing fields of discretely distributed atoms inside Lorentz sphere with its center in observation point.
Near-field effect was theoretically predicted in Prof. O.N.Gadomsky group in 1994. It is was shown in the series of papers (see the reference list) that field of dipoles inside Lorentz sphere is always different from zero in dielectric with any type of symmetry if the retarded part of dipole field proportional to 1/Ra is taken into account. Here Ra is the distance between observation point in the center of Lorentz sphere and a-th atom inside this sphere. It oughts to use the concept about discrete-continuous medium in optics of dielectrics introducing two space scales: wavelength of light and interatomic distance. The structure factor is shown to appear in the formula for refractive index for observation points inside medium. This structure factor is shown to change the value of refractive index by some percents in comparasion with the value of one for continuous matter which is given by Lorentz-Lorenz formula.
But the near-field effect increases significantly near
observation points located close to the surface of an isotropic
semi-infinite dielectric in the near-field zone where the Lorentz
sphere is truncated. In such a case the field inside Lorentz
sphere is always nonzero and Coulomb polarizing field
proportional to plays the
dominating role in this field. Moreover, the truncation of
Lorentz sphere gives rise to a thin surface anisotropic layer on
a flat isotropic dielectric and this layer can alter
significantly the amplitudes of the reflected and refracted waves
in the near-field zone.
Various properties of near-field effect in classical and nonlinear resonance optics were examined in the series of papers. It was shown that this effect affects the problem of boundary conditions, relation between microscopic and macroscopic fields, affects such nonlinear phenomena as optical bistability and dynamic detuning from resonance. Various properties of near-field effect were investigated for the field of spontaneous photons emitted by atom near the surface of semi-infinite dielectric. The influence of discretely distributed atoms was shown to be significant for determination of spectroscopic (Lamb shift, lifetime) and amplitude-phase characteristics of spontaneous emission.
Allowance of discrete-continuous distribution of dipoles in observation points near the surface makes it possible to describe the behaviour of electreomagnetic field in the direct vicinity of the surface what would be valuable for the development of optical near-field microscopy of superfine resolution.
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