Proceedings of the Samara’s Scientific Centre of the RAS, 1999, No.2, 229-233

Formation and transport of electronic defects in the solid electrolyte RbCu4Cl3I2

Gennady I. Ostapenko

Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Ulyanovsk Branch,

Russian Academy of Sciences,; 48, Goncharov St., Ulyanovsk 432011, Russia;



Lyudmila G. Veselova

Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy; 1, Novy Venets St., Ulyanovsk 432601, Russia


The reasons of considerable difference of electronic conductivity for RbCu4Cl3I2 samples prepared by the various authors are analysed. The suggestion to make, that value of electronic conductivity depends on quantity of electronic defects arising at the oxidation RbCu4Cl3I2 during its preparation. Considered relevant quasichemical reactions.

From experiments with a Wagner's cell was found out, that the concentration of electronic defects for investigated RbCu4Cl3I2 sample is equal to 1,25·1018 cm-3. The diffusion coefficient of electronic defects is equal to 1,5·10-8 cm2 s-1 at their conductivity 1,2· 10-7 S·cm-1.

The estimated value of potential of vitreous carbon electrode after RbCu4Cl3I2 electrochemical decomposition (0,606 V) satisfactorily coincides with experimental value (0,58 V).

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